about house of lief

If you like my work, feel free to drop a few dollars in my tip jar.

My name is Lief Bennett, and I am the artist, writer, and webmaster behind House of Lief. I created this project in 2021 shortly after changing my name to Lief as a way to unify all my various creative endeavors under a single online identity. I chose the name House of Lief because I strive to create a welcoming environment of healing, growth, and rest through my art and in all parts of my life. Welcome to my house! Warm yourself at my hearth and enjoy some stories and art.

My main project right now under House of Lief is my comic diary, a weekly comic strip documenting my misadventures. If you prefer your comic strips in newspaper form, you can also read it in the Scribe, a monthly arts newspaper. The Scribe can be read for free at any Toledo library as well as various businesses across Ohio including Kafe Kerouac in Columbus, or you can subscribe to support the featured artists (including me) and get the paper mailed directly to you every month.

about the artist

I am a trans man living in Columbus, OH, staunchly refusing to move despite the state legislators doing their level best to scare me off, because at the end of the day I am still a white man and I worked hard for that audacity. When I’m not working on House of Lief, I can be found riding my bike, watching 12 episode animes, and complaining about my arch nemesis John Kaschic, who among his many other inadequacies as a politician, refused to accept grant money for an Amtrak line in Columbus in 2013. I also manage the websites for the Queer Zest Zine Fest and Comix Accountability Club.

notes for nerds

This website is hosted on Neocities. I used this layout builder when designing the main layout, and the Rarebit webcomic template for my comics pages. The fonts used on the site are Courier Prime and Unifraktur Cook from Google fonts. the background image is "Tissu d'ameublement (V&A Museum)" by dalbera. It is licensed with CC BY 2.0. Check out this link for more information about creative commons.

Some pages on this site have been tagged for Google Analytics tracking. Google Analytics collects information about your browser session to accurately measure the number of visitors to the site as well as how you got here. Additional data may be collected from users signed in to Google accounts. You can block these trackers using most ad-blocker extensions.

where to find me

For updates on my webcomic and other work, follow me on Tumblr, Bluesky and Instagram as @houseoflief. If you like my work and you'd like to support me, you can buy comics, prints and stickers on my Ko-Fi shop, or contact me about commissions/contract work. If you'd like to contact me directly, email me at houseoflief@proton.me or complete the contact form below.

Contact Form