house of lief


From November 2023 to February 2024 I was unemployed. I quit my previous job after burning out, took a few weeks to recover, and then found out that trying to get a job in this economy is better said than done. So I spent a few months applying to jobs, and adopting new hobbies.

I have some formal training in traditional art, and I had dabbled in comics before, but never in earnest. However, around January of 2024, I found myself interested enough to start taking comics seriously. I joined the Comics Accountability Club (CAC) and starting drawing. I have a 3 page comic published in the CAC Calling All Crabs anthology, and a 2 page illustration forthcoming in the CAC quarterly, which will be distributed at SPX

Keep an eye on my socials and my ko-fi for updates!

Check out other CAC creators here:

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