
I am Lief Bennett, the cartoonist behind House of Lief. My comics journey began round January of 2024. While I have some formal training in traditional art, and I had dabbled in comics before, I had never taken comics very seriously. Until January of 2024, when the stars aligned and I was looking for a new community to do art with when I found the Comics Accountability Club (CAC). I am incredibly grateful for the support and encouragement of CAC and the larger comics community. I couldn't do this without them.

My most recent accomplishment is getting my diary comics in a newspaper! I have an ongoing spot on the back page of The Scribe, a monthly non-profit arts newspaper based in Ohio. You can pick up a copy of the paper for free at the locations listed on their website, read it free online, or pay a small monthly fee to get it delivered to your house and support the publication and the artists (like me!). I also have several zines, prints, and stickers available for purchase from my ko-fi shop.

Keep an eye on my socials and my ko-fi for updates!

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